
The podcast Quiero ser Rural interviews Delera's CEO. Miguel Martinez Tomey talks about the strategies and approaches that the rural environment needs to take advantage of the immense opportunities that countryside life offers for people and businesses. Will the Covid-19 crisis be the turning point for a new generation of rural repopulation? (Click on the image to listen to the podcast -in Spanish-) ...

Today the Official Gazette of Aragon publishes the call for proposals to the Aragon Territorial Cohesion Fund, which will provide 100% funding for development projects promoted by families, companies and non-profit organisations in the 636 most depopulated municipalities of Aragon. For businesses there is a funding line for current expenditure with up to €5,000 of aid per application for the creation of social economy companies and to encourage the hiring of young people who have finished their university or vocational training studies. Another four lines dedicated to investment, with up to €20,000 of aid, are aimed at sectors capable of creating new economic opportunities based on endogenous resources with the aim of settling population. Aid is also provided for social and complementary services at home, the processing and marketing of agro-ecological products and artisan foods, to strengthen local forestry with the processing and diversification of forest products and, finally, to promote the creation of mobile services that do not jeopardize existing local services. For non-profit organisations and families, the current expenditure of training plans specially designed to promote female self-employment and business productivity is financed. Another line is to provide support to the creation and promotion of activities by local cultural and sports associations, developing quality events that increase people's self-esteem and support the professional cultural sector. Both lines can grant up to a maximum of €10,000 per applicant. There are two other lines: one to help social entities to reinforce adapted social transport, with a maximum of €20,000 of aid, and another specific line for individuals, which allows investments of up to €10,000 in single-family homes in villages to adapt them to the elderly and dependent people’s main residences. Deadline: July 16th, 2020. If you need more information or assistance: / +34 679 10 18 74 (Miguel Martínez Tomey)...

El Director Ejecutivo de Delera, Miguel Martínez Tomey, en su calidad de Presidente del Rolde de Estudios Aragoneses y miembro del Centro de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo de Áreas Rurales, compareció el 15 de junio en la Comisión para la Reconstrucción Social y Económica tras la Covid-19 (grupo de trabajo sobre la Unión Europea) del Congreso de los Diputados. Puede acceder al video de la sesión pinchando  aquí, y al texto de su intervención pinchando aquí....

La Fase 2 permite abrir al público todos los comercios y servicios profesionales así que ¿por qué no aprovecharla? Lo único que comerciantes y clientes hemos de hacer es aplicar las precauciones y medidas que explicamos en este artículo.

En todos los territorios que han pasado a la Fase 2 ya es posible abrir bares y restaurantes al público (aunque todavía no discotecas y bares de ocio nocturno), pero aplicando una serie de medidas que explicamos a continuación.

La propuesta defendida en este hackaton por nuestro Director Ejecutivo, Miguel Martínez Tomey, y que ha obtenido el reconocimiento de El Hueco (entidad promotora de actividades de lucha contra la despoblación como la feria "Presura") será desarrollada por la prestigiosa incubadora de empresas Bridges for Billions. Este es el contenido de la idea planteada por Delera:

Estaban previstos en el Real Decreto-ley 11/2020, de 31 de marzo. Se puede aplicar a los créditos concedidos desde el 18 de marzo hasta un límite de 1,5 millones de euros y se reserva el 50% de su dotación para garantizar los préstamos a autónomos y pymes. También se ha duplicado la línea específica ya existente para el sector turístico.

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