Grants of 85% to 100% of the cost for energy projects in municipalities with less than 5 000 inhabitants

Grants of 85% to 100% of the cost for energy projects in municipalities with less than 5 000 inhabitants

Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to small municipalities with energy projects. Hurry up, they will be awarded quickly!


The IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Conservation) is calling for applications for grants under the DUS 5000 programme, which is part of the plan to support single clean energy projects in small municipalities or those at risk of depopulation. Funding will be provided directly (on a first-come, first-served basis, not competitively) for five types of actions:



ACTION 1: Reduction of energy demand and consumption in public buildings and infrastructure.

ACTION 2: Renewable electricity generation installations for self-consumption.

ACTION 3: Renewable heat production facilities and heat and/or cooling networks.

ACTION 4: Light pollution control, efficient and intelligent lighting, Smart Rural and ICT.

ACTION 5: Sustainable mobility.


The minimum investment to be made is €40,000 and the maximum is €3,000,000.


Applications can be submitted between 5 November 2021 and 5 November 2022 or earlier, if the allocated budget is spent before.

Delera has the necessary administrative and technical management team to support small municipalities that wish to apply for these grants.

For more information or help: / 679 10 18 74 (Miguel Martínez Tomey)

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