Call for applications for innovation aid to tackle depopulation

Call for applications for innovation aid to tackle depopulation

The calls for projects by local entities, companies and non-profit organisations (the latter only if they are supra-provincial, regional or national in scope) to tackle depopulation have already been published in the Official State Bulletin.

  1. The deadline for applications is 30 working days from the day after the publication of the calls for proposals (4 May 2022) and will be decided on a competitive basis. Only for one single project per applicant.
  2. The grants are compatible with other grants that may be received. For companies, the de minimis regime is applied, which means that the amount to be received does not exceed the ceiling of €200,000 of total public aid that may have been received in the last three years.
  3. The grant will be up to a maximum of 90 % of the eligible expenditure in the case of local authorities and non-profit organisations and 70 % in the case of companies. However, the percentage and amount of the final aid to be received shall be fixed in the award decision.
  4. Expenditure incurred from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2024 shall be eligible. The amount of grants awarded to local entities may not be less than €25,000.00 or exceed €500,000.00. For companies and non-profit organisations, these limits are €15,000 and €200,000.
  5. Eligible costs: staff, travel and subsistence, activities and audit of the review of the supporting account (only up to 10 %).
  6. Advances of up to 100% of the grant may be requested, but companies and non-profit organisations will have to deposit a guarantee covering 100% of the money advanced plus 20% interest for late payment with the Caja General de Depósitos.
  7. Justification must be presented within three months of the end of the project.

If you need more information or assistance: / +34 679 10 18 74 (Miguel Martínez Tomey)

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